Read all about it.

The firework display last night was wonderful, and what a great turn out. J  had to be up early this morning, as his friend was picking him up at   7 0' clock  to go to an auto jumble at Shepton Mallet.  I got up later, and when I went into the kitchen I noticed my keys weren't in the back door. I knew I had them when I got back last night so I checked my coat pocket, no keys. I thought at first I was locked in for the day, but luckily, for me. J phoned .I asked him where the keys were, and he discovered they  were in his pocket, but the good news was, we had a spare set in a china  container on the coffee table. Panic over, I decided to go to town , although the weather was horrible. I didn't but much, but it was nice to get out and not to have to rush anywhere. I had a coffee in Costa, although why a small coffee is anything but. The cup is the size of a soup bowl, and although I did drink it all, it was too much for me.  I took a photo of this man, who was totally absorbed in reading his newspaper, just as well, as he supplied me with my blip for today. Just had a phone call to say J is on the way home. I wonder what he has bought?

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