Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

Chauffeur Alyson

Now that I have my drivers license (Woohoo!), I am a chauffeur. This morning I took Melanie to the airport for her month long trip to Michigan. Definitely long to miss her. Then I drove Nelson back home to Manhattan and then I finally drove home myself , with the two puppies that is.

Melanie really wanted them to come with us to te airport and things went totally fine until I was by myself driving with them. Brooklyn is terrified of cars and fluffy gets jealous easily. So naturally Brooklyn climbed onto my lap, and fluffy kept trying to sit with me also (to no avail) and eventually gave up. Oh I also did not have an EZ Pass or cash for the tolls. An so started the great adventure back to Brooklyn! It was crazy but we made it one alive without crashing and dying. I call it a success. Need again will I drive with the two of them in the car while I'm alone.

I snapped this pic while we were a few blocks for my house. It was on an 18-wheeler truck.

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