
That's the name of our new washing machine.  I dithered between Black Eye, Bruise, and Bilbo.  None of the above, so this is it... for now.  Of course, it had to be test run first, per the instruction manual, which specified that it had to be empty the first time.  Well, I put in two things that weren't all that dirty, got them out of the way.  It works wonderfully.  That said, I do not intend to use it all that often as it consumes a lot of energy, an expensive proposition.  First, though, it will need to launder all the duvets that have been waiting all this time for their turn.  We have not yet run out as I've built up quite a stock through the years, but they are all too large for our bathroom sink, and too heavy for my arms.  There'll be a couple of weeks of catching up.  In the meantime, I spent time at the ironing board, in between watching live coverage of the short track skating news.  Bollo will give me some additional (free?) time to finish other things.

In between all that, AW and I went to the shopping centre because he wanted to buy some thermals, which were not available.  I think we'll need to go to town, and who wants to do that in the biting cold?  I took the opportunity to finish some supermarket errands as well.  Gaming some of the time, and that was my day.

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