Saturday’s blip

Today we drove up to Bristol airport in the pouring rain. The good thing was there were no lorries and it wasn’t too busy and we arrived with plenty of time to spare. The airport wasn’t busy at all so we had a two hour wait for our departure time. We managed to get on the plane very quickly but some weren’t so lucky and had to hang around on the steps in the blustery wet until they could move onto the plane. When we were all sat down the pilot said there would be a two hour delay because of an upgrade to Portuguese air space but then this was brought forward to just half an hour with a rerouted journey over Spain but a longer journey. This was the view at it was getting dark. We caught the airport bus in the dark and arrived at Los Cristianos in Tenerife and walked to our hotel for the night. We had a nice sea bass meal before falling into bed exhausted. 

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