my favorite model is now a photographer

She insisted on bringing her camera with her tonight.

She has an electric car and a digital camera. Lucky girl. 

I am not statistically impaired, no matter what Karen says. It is more fun to fantasize if you actually have a ticket. Besides, there is this joke about a man who keeps praying, fervently, to God, begging to win the lottery, night after night, and finally God asks him to meet him part way and BUY A TICKET.

I have the winning ticket. I know this because the man who sold it to me told me so. But, when I win I will keep it a secret from everyone except Kate and immediate family. I have to tell Kate or we can't figure out the support for the Portland Botanical Garden. 

I'll set up a scholarship fund that mysteriously every single one of my relatives will magically qualify for. 

I have a fantasy of setting up facilities that serve as daycare/pre-school/after-school. They would let kids spend the night. I believe that parents need breaks and if that means adult company with no kids around, I think everyone would be better off. Plus, I want to eliminate the stress of parents needing to be there by 6 pm or fined some incredible amount every minute over. They would offer tutoring and basketball and counselors. 

I'll travel a lot more. 

The US is poised to change its laws so it can prosecute Russian war criminals. The Justice Department set up a War Crimes Accountability Team in June to help bring war criminals to justice for atrocities in Ukraine. It is headed by Eli Rosenbaum who hunted Nazis hiding in America. Both of his parents were Jewish refugees from Germany. We are so outraged that support for this is bipartisan. The change would bring US law into line with the 1949 Geneva Conventions. A bill is being drafted that would let the US recognize crimes against humanity and prosecute them as every other rNATO country except Italy can do. 

The US helped Ukraine set up a state-of-the-art database for recording war crimes. 

Russia fires military commanders every time it needs to deflect blame. The latest - Colonel General Alexander Lapin has probably been fired as commander of Russia's Central Military District. They are going to run out of scapegoats. This will further demoralize the military. 

In nine hours the Prytula Foundation raised $5.5 million from private donors to buy fifty FV103 Spartans (armored personnel carriers) used by the British Army. These are barely used, a deal! They will arrive in Ukraine in time for Christmas. This is the largest transfer of armored personnel carriers to Ukraine and it is all due to crowdfunding. The tagline was, "Grab them all." The foundation is named after Serhiv Prytula, a comedian and TV presenter. They were hoping to raise the money in a week. 

The British government previously donated 35 Spartans and they were a great success. The 50 just bought were in private hands. People with enough money can own armored personnel carriers. Just saying. 

The Spartans can move in bad weather.

This is the same foundation that raised money for three Bayraktars. They also raised money for Elon to give him a history textbook. 

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