
A blip of great boring-ness, but at least it's green. Growing two sorts of green manure as part of a study for Garden Organic. On the left we have the Gardener's Mix- vetch, forage pea, phacelia, flax and clover, whereas on the right we have vetch and grazing rye. The latter is commonly used in an agricultural setting but GO wonder if the other mixture might be better for gardens. We have to record % cover every month. Both patches have got really good cover, at least.

Edit: sorry to anyone who commented - I had to delete this in order to republish it on the correct date! I remember Hell4Murph asked when we sowed it: think it was at the beginning of September and we have to record its progress once a month until April.

Edit 2: And Kaybee asked what happens at the end - chop it down and dig it in at the end of April.

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