From plot to plate
Getting soaked through in the process..... If only.
Stewed blackberry & apple on my yogurt this morning, a freezer dip which I need to address. The blackberry seeds... Arghh! So after cooking the last batch of bruised windfalls in the microwave I sieved the cooked blackberry & apple into it, mixed it up, froze one batch, the other will be our breakfast topping for the next 5 days.
I treated the seams of my walking jacket with a waterproofing sealant in between the showers this morning.
My laundry is currently whizzing around on the whirly gig, as it's still blowing a hooley. I'm keeping my eye on the weather though as we are forecast more rain.
Just emptied my shoulder bag....tissues, face masks, 3 seeds (can't for the life of me remember where I collected them but will pop them in a bag with a '?' label, & hopefully remember to sow in the Spring), plus the usual till receipts & assorted dross.
Next job, make pastry, & filling, for tonight's meal to accompany the sprouts.
Sofritto aka mirepoix - 2 words that popped up in my mind wanderings earlier. Just checked the spelling of mirepoix. Waitrose mirepoix... What? People actually buy ready prepared mirepoix?? Unbelievable! 3 fresh ingredients I always have in the kitchen - onion, celery, & carrot.
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