Joe's Blips

By joesblips

The View from Bellapais Abbey

The Holiday continues. This was shot near to sunset.

A long day in the bus being driven from place to place, some like this very interesting , one or two being special operations to extract much cash from us. Neither fun nor required. The culmination was a stand up row with an ignorant maitre d who insultingly demanded that my wife hand over to him a bottle of water she had brought to the table. I made a point of reading the riot act to him at his desk a few minutes later and informed him that if he had a problem he should in future take it up with me. Why asks my Turkish nitwit. Because nobody talks to my wife like that says I. Why not he asked. Because she is MY WIFE. Thats why. Do you treat all your customers like this I then asked, whereupon he retreated to his workstation with much tit tutting.  I followed him and my parting comment was... So, you DO treat all your customers like this.

 Remember this name... The Hotel Denizkizi near Kyrenia and avoid it if ever in Northern Cyprus. The food is very standard, for which read, poor and the staff horrid. We are unfortunately going to have to put up with it for two further days after which hopefully we will be encamped in a much better establishment. 
Ps. Do please excuse missing commas etc. Typing on a Finnish Language keyboard with a different layout to an English one. Lots of symbols etc I simply cannot find. The question mark for instance.

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