Silly Saturday ...
... far from it.
Unfortunately I did not have a very silly Saturday. The day started out inauspiciously when I fall while getting up from the couch this morning ... and did not get much better. When I fell I must have tweaked my middle left finger as it was sore for the entire day and I couldn't bend it very far. I'm sure it's just a bad sprain so no medical attention was necessary ... other than icing it. On top of that I was very uncomfortable all day with another issue that would be a bit TMI to share ... trust me!
Despite my issues we still managed to get out for a walk. On the way home from Mariton Wildlife Sanctuary last Sunday we drove by the Delaware Canal State Park, Locks 22 & 23. We noticed that there was nice walking path along the old Delaware Canal and we wanted to check it out today. When we first pulled into the parking lot we immediately saw an ambulance and my first thought was someone is having a worse day that I am! But we think that they were there for some other reason besides a rescue. It could have been a training session or simply lunch.
My collage includes the ambulance as well as a picture of the locktender's house, which dates back to the early 1800's. The lower left picture is of a leaf I caught coming down into the canal ... tip first! That has to serve as my Silly Saturday picture! Thanks to Elaine (Pipersmom) for hosting this month in memory of Admirer.
I thought I was going to be hosting today but there was a slight mix up ... so I'm now hosting in February. Be warned! :-)
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