So get up, get down and get outside

Beautiful, sunny day today :)

Early rise & shine to end the sleepover shift and a cheerful little journey into the city, at which point my service user & I parted ways and I was joined by Heather for a wee breakfast in Starbucks (technically my second breakfast, but shhh, who's counting?).

Brief wander up to the Crags then on out to Midlothian for my next shift. By this point I was feeling fairly tired so appreciated being able to get out into the fresh air & sunshine twice during the shift.

Finally, met up with Kirsty, Kirsty and Laura for an evening of food (so much food!), catch-ups and general shenanigans. We may have gone to a play park. We may have had genuine fun at said play park. We may have been intimidated out of said play park by children almost half our ages.

Yes, we're getting old but no we won't admit it!

Anyway, shower and bed before I completely crash...shift 3 out of 6 this week awaits tomorrow!

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