Blazing hot day. There is only one place to be: in the pool.
Back at Guildford Lido at last, as far as I'm aware, the only Olympic sized Lido in the country. The sun made up somewhat for the shock and disappointment of how quickly fitness fades when I could barely do a length front crawl. Normally I do breast stroke and can cope with this quite easily but crawl was an anathema to me so I was determined to conquer it this year. So starting afresh, having lost last years muscle memory of swimming, I have decided to do crawl only until I can do it. I may be the slowest swimmer in the pool but its not speed I'm after but endurance. If I'm to do this years Thames swim front crawl them I've away to go, but am buoyed by the fact that by the time I got out I had found a way to crawl continuously without a break and was actually enjoying it. Strange.
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