Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Fighting back against the agents of chaos

First time in 26 years that I've been able to open the airing cupboard door without worrying what I'll find. Because usually it is such a mess I can't find anything. This dejunked and labelled triumph of organisation even bought a smile to TSM's face after another hideous day at work.

In the American mid term elections the much vaunted Republic wave failed to materialise. I like to think it's because even American voters  have lost patience with all the right wing bullshit. They may yet narrowly "win" but it's much, much better than I feared. Trump of course has been reportedly throwing his toys out of the pram because of the poor performance of the candidates he endorsed. Never was a metaphor more richly deserved by a politician than that one. 

I had a really busy working day. Productive but very tiring. Made worse by a harrowing dream I had last night that caused me to wake up in a literal cold sweat. Putin had pressed the button and I ran into the wrong bomb shelter which was next door to the one all my family and friends had run into. Their bunker took a direct hit and I can still see the clouds of 9/11 style dust and debris in my mind's eye. Another man who had lost everyone he loved looked at me and took a deep breath. "I guess you are like me now" he said. "Alone". Scary stuff. I hate some of the monsters that strut this world of ours; they are all old men sent by the agents of hell. 

Still I do at least have a tidy airing cupboard.

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