
Such a good and full morning...starting with Sole coming round first thing to pick up food I'd been given that she's having. To make money in the winter she cooks a kind of takeaway service for the Roma Gypsy community...so all the free food was welcome! She's also suggested we get together this winter for her to teach me some Gitano recipes. 
Jumped on a bus to see the ES guys, brilliant as ever. Then home for doing washing and collecting our lovely Greek friend's washing...plus someone gave me cake so I was able to pass that on to him which he was happy about!
Early afternoon we had a Skype with some South Africans who want to come visit us and see what we do...we're working out the logistics with them...they're also visiting Portugal on this same trip. And from that I went up into Sa Penya for our meeting tonight. As usual everyone else was on Spanish time so that gave Sole and me a chance for a coffee in her house. In the pic are Angelita (far left) who lives just off this pic, Beni who is Roma but doesn't live in SP (she's part of the tiny church we go to), Marcial, Miguel, Beni's husband, Sole and Mathi who is Marcial's wife. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny arranging a meeting with the head of Social Services...no small feat to do!! Amazingly he's made time to see us next week.
2) Seeing a couple of Roma friends I've not seen in ages.
3) Asha growing up...bittersweet. 

Today's joy theme is 'harvest';
1) This harvest I've been given and was able to share with Sole.
2) The promised rain coming tomorrow, meaning hopefully a decent harvest at some point...this year there's been a dirth of almonds which is a big deal here.
3) The Old Testament instructions about harvest, and how people were encouraged (I don't know if it was a command??) to share and to not reap everything they could from their land, but to leave crops for the poor, vulnerable and foreigners to reap...imagine if we could lake that principle on more enthusiastically! I feel grateful for that example of teaching both generosity and dignity for the vulnerable.

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