30 or packed and unpacked

I was helping friends move house today. The main move happened yesterday with most stuff going into storage ahead of the permanent move in a few weeks time.

However many items needed to go to their temporary accommodation. Their current home is 3 flights up: 51 steps. The “30” reference is to the number of times I went up and down the stars today. A good cardio workout.

Much to my surprise we got everything needed into the car in one go. I remarked that fitting in of the final item - the ironing board - ran the risk of the scene in Monty Python’s Meaning of Life “wafer thin after dinner mint sketch” with Mr Creosote.
Fortunately no explosion occurred and we made the transfer to the temporary accommodation - on the ground floor!

It was a good end to a day that had not started well with my Meta account apparently cloned or hacked. Again fortunately I was notified quickly by other friends who alerted me to “unduly affectionate” messages coming from me. I dread to find out! Passwords changed in the hope that sorts it.

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