All of the guys who work on the line at the deli have names that begin with “C.” There’s Colby, Chase and Cliff. Then there’s the servers. I blipped John the other day, Ashlea on Halloween (the scarecrow) and Nicole a while back. This is Cliff. He’s another funny guy. As he was taking my money, he asked how my day was going so far. I told him so far, so good, but that I was headed to the dentist office. I whined, “I don’t really want to go.” That’s when he picked up the hammer and drill and told me that he could take care of me for free. Even though it’s expensive to eat out so much, it’s the folks who I really go to see.
PS I’m hoping that my next victim is Colby. He’s adorable.
Thanks for the amazing reaction to yesterday’s eclipse. You are all more than kind. You are GIANT KIND!
What award did the dentist win?
A little plaque.
Which teeth do you need to brush?
The ones you want to keep.
My dentist said I should try flossing more.
So I’ve started to take dance lessons.
Mom doing the Floss
My teeth were stained so the dentist asked if I smoke or drink coffee?
I told him I drink it.
Dentist: do you floss?
Patient: Religiously.
Dentist: Really?
Patient: Of course, Christmas and Easter.
What did the dentist see at the North Pole?
A molar bear.
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