Family of three.

By livingbythesea

Fun in the sun

Such a lovely day today. The children woke about 7 which for a sleepover wake up I thought was again very good. We pottered around until Millys Mum and Dad came and then we all headed to the carboot sale for a wander round. Got a few needed bits for me and some wanted bits for the children. Erin is now the proud owner of a princess Jasmine outfit and Jack a Mr tickle costume. They were very good going round and although there were a fair amount of can I haves there was no bickering.

Split from Jayne, Chris and Milly and headed for petrol and a couple of food bits that were needed and headed home. When we had left there was no traffic really in Lyme and I thought what a rubbish bank holiday it was going to be for traders. On our return I had a nightmare even getting to our road and the trip from entering Lyme to my house, normally less than 5 mins took 40 minutes!!!

Up packed the shopping, dumped the car and walked to Pauls for the afternoon. We had a great day with the children playing on the trampoline and in the garden whilst Paul and I attacked his garden to make a veggie plot. He has given me free reign on his garden and I am loving it!!! Very excited to make some changes and even more excited that we spent the time doing it together. Finished the day off with a barbeque and a lot of silliness. He is so good to me and my children and I will never take that for granted. I know how lucky we were to find such a great man.

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