A tranquil scene

At our last Impish Quilters meeting I offered the group a large bag of stuffing material for cuddle cushions that they make for the Chaplaincy at the hospital. I found it in the attic, I had forgotten that there were two bags, one of which I certainly do not need!!! 

Three of the ladies came to collect it and we all went out to lunch at Bransby Horses, a rescue centre which has a super cafe and food, also shops.

The horses were not close enough to get any interesting shots, so you have a scene. 

The bag of stuffing was placed in the car when I vacated my seat when we got back to our house. 

It will be interesting to see how many items it fills!!!

R called in by on the way to Lincoln to drop off Olive who is staying for a couple of nights. Amber is delighted to have the company :0) 

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