Don't Panic Mr. Mainwaring!!!  

1. So far as I'm aware, yesterday WAS a Wednesday.
2. While I didn't set my Camera clock back an hour, one hour is NOT sufficient to put yesterday's Blip in today.  I just have reset clock, it was just ONE hour out not one day.
SO - 
3. I'll post today's in yesterday's, otherwise MT. slot. = SORTED!

Repot imminent - as soon as flowering over. Another two item list:-
1. Damthing's so one sided it'll not stand unsupported - result - soil on carpet and plant, happily, a mere one "leaf" and two flowers short.
2. It's trailing below Pot level.
Cure - a taller, heavier, Pot such as advocated for Clivias.

It will, however, stand with the aid of its two supports.

IF you've followed from the "Hists of Mistory" you may remember this, seen as the extra that day.  That's it now, at the right side.

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