Sweet moments

This morning as I left for work, Scout looked at me through the window. Her questioning eyes were loud and clear …
“Why are you leaving?”
I wish I didn’t have to.

This evening as we walked up to mom’s we had a very sweet moment.
Sitting across the road on the grass was a large white builders bag filled with branches from the trees in the garden. I noticed Scout kept looking back at it and feeling uneasy. I decided we should go back and have a look.
Scout was excited but wary. As we got a little closer she stopped and barked at it and backed away. I assured her it was ok and she took another couple steps forward and repeated the warning bark and backing away.
I continued to reassure her and continued walking slowly towards it. Scout walked directly behind my legs (nose in back of knees) peeking out from time to time until we were near to the bag. Gradually she edged out and sniffed it. Growing in confidence she began to walk around it sniffing it out then was content to leave it and walk confidently away!
I praised her for her bravery!! Haha!
Love that girl! :)

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