The Five Sisters

Although only three are showing here, see extra for a poor quality view of Five.

John had read about this Bing some time ago and thought it a pleasant surprise for the rest of us to call by and take a look. We wandered for a few minutes wading through mud and water to take a closer look however the best view was from the road further along, see blurry extra.

The drive home was reasonable with plenty of rain and enough sunshine to cheer us along the way. The ferry journey was uncomfortable for John and myself, we prefer smooth, calm crossings. The Isle of Mull ferry is in for her annual overhaul and refit, the Oban to Craignure route has two ferries operating, the second is Loch Frisia, much smaller and although the Crossing can feel rough generally the Isle of Mull copes well in most weathers. Loch Frisia doesn’t.

A great few days away! And just as good to arrive home to four contented pusscats and happy house sitters, they were excellent!

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