Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I went to another part of town today, to pick up a parcel. It's not far and there's a new-ish walkway I've been wanting to try so I walked. I took my time and found things to photograph. 
The leader of the far-right party in Sweden doesn't believe in climate change... well.. what are a hoover fly doing flying around in the middle of November, if there wasn't something happening with the climate? I'm amazed with peoples stupidity sometimes... 
I had a pleasant walk, well... apart from where a large lorry had to stop on the highway above me, since he'd been warned by cars honking their horns. I was almost swallowed up by fumes and dust. He stood there when I walked back after picking up my parcel. It took some time before it was my turn at the post due to a man being very fussy about the books he was sending to a University library in the next town. The young woman helping him had the patient of an angel. First he wanted two packages and when all of this was entered into the register, he started questioning some fee he'd payed some time ago and the numbers didn't add up. He got an answer he didn't like so he regurgitated on that for some time... When it was my turn (first one personell were serving all the other customers and then another coworker came to ease the burden even more...) he was still talking about whatever and decided to just buy one postage bag to sent the books in, instead of two... so the young woman had to do it all again. My errand was just to pick up a parcel and off I went. This took its time, and I was a bit surprised to see the large lorry still standing on the side of the highway, but I did see one of those service trucks coming to help towing the large equipage away. 
I made some other errands too before I came home, and when I did I was so tired I was about to remove my glasses instead of my hat... 
This evening I got a messenger call from my relative in Perth, Australia. It was so much fun to talk to him for a bit and we always get into different topics in strange ways... this time it was from wale hunting (with apparently Japanese waling boats are trying to do in Australian water - but they aren't allowed), to sharks, to be careful with swimming in the waters around Australia, to crocodiles, King cobras and lions being loose in Sidney zoo, to finish that string of conversation with comparing homelessness in Sweden and Australia. It's a fun mess of different topics and always fun to talk to him. :)

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