Remember them

A mixed day, with a very frustrating start. Neither Jon or I could log on to our work system, and after messages to work colleagues, it transpired that it was a countywide problem. The morning became one of wandering around doing small jobs, intermittently trying the log on again. In the end, at midday Jon and I decided it was lunchtime and we went in to Cromer for a walk by the sea. When we got back the IT had fixed the problem, and it was a race to get a days worth of work done in half a day. I worked until just after 5 in the end.

Spent a little bit of time drilling holes in my walnuts. I’ve been given the green light to take my crafts to work to sell. I’m going to do what I can this weekend with the materials I have. So that’s where my weekend focus will be - sorry housework!

Finally, I like to re-read this poem I wrote in 2014, after I had visited the battlefields. I know you’ve all seen it before, so you finish reading here, if you like. Or you can re-read the old poem. :-)

A poem for 11/11/14
On the barren flat fields of Flanders
On a biting late Autumn dawn
Bleakness there echos wartime
Mudded pastures remain tired and worn
Drenched with grief for the victims
Cloaked with sadness and silence we see
A land choked with invisible pain,
Souls at peace at last set free
Headstones stand proudly upright
Side by side they whisper their tale
Repeating the message of remembrance
In sentiment they never fail
As the sun goes down, a lone bugler
Plays with respect and etiquette,
The last post, a resonance moving
To ensure we will never forget.

BG 11/11/14

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