Mexico Day 6

Montezuma got his revenge today. I was so looking forward to the cookery class this morning, a treat for my 76th birthday. I’ve had the electrolytes and am drinking plenty of water. While the others went to the market with the chef to buy ingredients, I stayed in his courtyard to be near the facilities. I’m sure the food would have been delicious - Mr C ate mine - I’ll not eat today which is a bit disappointing on my birthday, but at least we are not having to sit for ages on the bus. Tomorrow it is 7 hours so I want to be capable of that.

We chopped and mixed, making Pumkin flower tamales, nixtamale (dough for tortillas), pumpkin flower tortillas, fresh dough for corn tortillas, black bean soup, ceviche, roasted tomato salsa, tomatillos and pineapple salsa, and lime ice cream. I’m sure it was delicious.

In the middle of it all in bounded a musical troupe from the university, accompanied by Francisco our guide who presented me with flowers and chocolates. The chef brought out a cake and everyone sang Happy Birthday then the troupe played a love song. It was very sweet and a lovely thing to have happen, but also a bit uncomfortable as we are not so used to being serenaded - it has happened before, in Hong Kong and Nepal. I coped! The whole cooking and eating went on for 5 hours.

We should have gone out to the cathedral but I’m going to relax, drink water and read my book on the terrace in the shade.

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