
Mr W had a day out at a Police Squash tournament leaving me to potter at home.

My friend Jane popped over for coffee and a chat. She's the manager at the gym that burned down a few months ago and showed me an insta account of someone who had broken in and recorded himself on a treadmill and all around the burnt out building. Very sad to see and not really sure how he gets away with trespassing!! Hes Urbanexplor2 if you want to have a peek.

DN1 asked if we would babysit in the evening as its her other halfs birthday soon and they were having a family meal out. Its so nice to be able to help more now that she's local.

Matty was great. He was calm and settled. He asked for mummy and daddy a few times but settled off to sleep like a dream.

Mr W and I then dozed on the sofa infront of I'm a Celebrity. It was way past our bedtime!! We struggle to stay awake beyond 9 o'clock these days!!!!

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