LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010

Nothing to do with anything

By which I mean, that life itself has been very exhausting for the past few days. Aside from moving house, hitting Ikea, Friday track meet, unpacking and clearing Tupperware lids, J has been working flat out from 6.30am to 11.30pm in the downstairs office space. He's tucked amongst a stack of boxes, with just the basics to fend off the current holder of the title World's Most Demanding Client.

Today it seemed like an effort to go and leave him for my Tuesday evening training session. But I went anyway, ran sprints along the beach path and then up the Seacliff steps on the way back.

Then I had to stop and snap this sign. It's classic Americana and I've had it in mind for a while. And why not stand pretending to line up a shot, while you gasp for air. I wish the wires weren't there, but only a little bit. I was VERY TIRED at the time.

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