
The day started with an early morning swim in Bassenthwaite with my usual group (see extra). I say swim... the water was very wavy, quite a few rolled over my head and the current was very strong, I made it to the red buoy eventually (750m+). Coming back was quicker, but I was tired and very hungry by the time I got out. I was very grateful for Carolines brownie even though I'd had a bowl of porridge at 6:30. Jam on toast and a little rest on the sofa were a must.
In the afternoon, Tom and I went to Walltown Crags. The light was wonderful and there was hardly anyone else there. We had a lovely walk along part of the Roman wall and found a Willow Labyrinth that we'd not seen before.
I was delighted for an early Prosecco o'clock.

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