Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Dusted off

Haven’t used these guys in a while but charged the batteries and started playing with them again today. I have ambitions to be more creative. As the world seems (paradoxically) to be simultaneously falling apart and heading into an AI future which leaves humans without a role, personal creativity is at the core of psychological survival. 

Slow start after yesterdays shenanigans but I think I’m on the mend. Hopefully just a one off. Still a bit tired but managed a walk this afternoon and had a coffee and a nice chat with David, our local bookshop owner.

Episode 3 of The Crown was really about the Fayeds with the royal family making a few appearances to tee up the Diana and Dodi story arc. We’re now just about to embark on Annus Horribilis in episode 4. Difficult to connect with the theme really as it was thirty years ago and we’re all having bad years these days. Which is probably why "permacrisis" was named word of the year recently in the annual Collins Dictionary awards…

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