Curiosity .....

An emergency blip today.
 I was very busy yesterday, dog walking, making hot pot for our tea,  cutting the 2 lawns (who cuts grass in November!! I don't think I have ever cut it so late) chopping back the Sambucas Nigra  so I won't grow too big next year. Went online and ordered 2 Christmas presents for Grace and Autumn. Think I know what everyone is getting this year now.

I was tired today so after walking the dog this morning, It was pleasant but chilly. I had a bit of a lazy day. then I cooked Jamie's Mega Meat Loaf that he did on his £1 wonders programme last week. Had to half the recipe as it was for 6 but I have to admit he was right it does come out at under £1 per person and very tasty too. I didn't put the chillie peppers in as we don't like food too spicy but  I just sprinkled a few chillie flakes in and it was lovely.
Then I collapsed into a chair to watch strictly.  Oh and saw the end of the Remembrance service at the Royal Albert Hall. 
That was my exciting day.

This is Misty exploring the sink, as soon as she hears the tap running she is there to investigate.  She provided me with my blip for today.

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