things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic


One of my fav winter birdy places - WWT Martin Mere - re-opened this week after being shut for a number of weeks due to avian bird flu. The weather forecast for there today, was lovely sunshine.

When I got up, it was pea soup here but I decided to go anyway as I was meeting some friends. It was lovely & sunny and about 16 coat needed. There were butterflies & what seemed like a possible nest of bees re-emerging as it was so warm.

I love watching whoopers, but the light there is terrible for photography from the hide where the whoopers are close. The hide faces the sun & so you have to use completely daft settings to have a chance of getting the whites right in photos.

I'd half decided to go to Blackpool afterwards to see if there was a starling murmuration, or, to go for a walk on the beach at Ainsdale. I decided on the nearer beach but unsurprisingly, it was packed & no place to park. No probs I thought, I'll go home & catch the sunset there...except, it was still a pea souper here. It looks like it might not have lifted all day...

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