
By ForthPorts

Keep Scotland Weird

Our local pub doing their bit.

Anyway a beautiful morning, clear sky. glorious sunshine. So off to Perth and the Gloagburn restaurant and farm shop for lunch. (It did not disappoint). My wallet was considerably lighter by close of play.

A late afternoon walk along the foreshore at Blackness. Chatting to a new incomer who has moved into the oldest house in the village. He is turning his ancient outbuildings (1700s) into a micro distillery! Not whisky and gins but vodkas and rums.

The village has also received funding from VisitScotland for something called a Strategic Tourism Infrastructure Development Plan to kick start a bit of life into this sleepy backwater.

They have (like Mao Tse Tung) a five year plan (now there is jobs for the boys). Sounds like a load of old wank to me. I hope they address the car parking problem, only space for about twenty cars! Yet they do have open public toilets which is increasingly rare in current times.

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