A fine day (Day 2745)

After the usual Sunday shopping trip, my beautiful wife and I made for Stromness and got Red and George out a ride. Our timing could have been better as we met the Rememberance Sunday parade coming out of Stromness. Neither Red nor George were overly keen on the sight or sound of the Stromness Pipe Band and HV and I thought it better to make tactical dismounts before the dismount was enforced.
Once the band was past and we were back on the horses, it took a fair while to get George calmed down. Red wasn't for calming at all, and eventually HV decided to cut her ride short and lead Red back to the field. I carried on along the shore with George, but without his pal he was just keen to get home. Despite the stressy ride it was great to be on board again.
Home for lunch, then out to Skaill for a wander with Sigyn in the sunshine. It has been a cracking day and we managed to make the most of the great weather.
We finished up our day with a visit to C&S for a catch up.
Extras added of the walk with Sigyn

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