Late afternoon walk

Slept well last night and was quite late taking Phin out for his morning constitutional but he didn’t seem to mind too much!

Watched the service at the cenotaph before tackling the ironing. Phin lay quietly on the bed whilst I worked.

Met up with Paz and Ramos at Newbattle for a walk at 3.30. The boys enjoyed romping through the leaves whilst we ladies had a good catch up. It was pretty dark when we got back to the cars as sunset was 4.10!

Used up some leftover roast pork for dinner and it was actually quite tasty after reheating in the oven in chicken stock and served with a cider sauce.

Caught up with Strictly whilst tea was cooking and agree with tonight’s result.

Hoping for an early night before Mission Christmas kicks off at 9.30 tomorrow morning.

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