Father's Day

Triinu gave me a parcel in the morning. I had known of its existence for weeks, at least a part of it, and it was great to get to open it. The part I knew of was the Finnish comic book Kamala Luonto: Majavan oma kirja. Not exactly easy to explain, but one book of the series has been translated to English with the title Bad Nature: The Nature of the Beast. This one could be translated to Beaver's own book. The comic is about various animals with varying characters living in a forest. The Beaver is an introvert who finds social situations awkward. I find him very sympathetic! The T shirt was a nice extra. Photo by Triinu.

After morning feeding I spent some time at the photo club studio. It's now nearly ready for use, but not quite. Then Father's day lunch with the boys at the local restaurant, changing winter wheels to the newer car, coffee and cake with mum, boys, nephews and niece plus an exchange student who is staying at my brother's family. With Triinu at work, my brother away and dad at the hospital it felt a little weird, as I was the only father there. Then visiting dad with mum, and taking Lauri to the railway station before evening feeding.

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