Sea Urchins

It's been a long old day, though I think the kids have all had fun...the last friend was dropped home about 4,30... We took a picnic lunch to the rocky beach, a lady was snorkelling and brought back each child a sea urchin shell! Absolutely exquisite! Quite entertaining as she was topless during all of this, then realised she knew Danny from the prison as both she and her husband work there, ha! Context is everything isn't it?! Where else would you have a chat like that with next to no clothes on as if it were totally normal?! Ha!
Church tonight...lovely to get a hug from little Aday who's not been for a couple of weeks. Then home to a message from a homeless friend who had no food, so Danny took him clean washing and a bag of what we'd got from our picnic earlier.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lovely lovely messages from the parents at church when I popped some pics of the kids into the WhatsApp chat. Not being Roma in an exclusively Roma church can leave you feeling on the outside, so it's extra lovely to get heir warmth and kindness. 
2) Time by the sea - always good for the soul.
3) Nate loving being with the boys at church.

Today's joy theme is 'behind a door';
1) The sound of the church bells this morning, from behind the church door.
2) My lovely array of earrings, most have a story attached to them, hanging behind the door to our bedroom.
3) The way Asha likes to hide behind the front door when people are visiting and surprise them by sneaking her arms around them from behind in a big unexpected (to them) hug as they walk in.

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