Just Eat It

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

My time on my own with the three cats, a multitude of birds and an army of hedgehogs continues.

Here you see DigiCat. She was rolling around on the grass outside and I played with her while she miaowed happily. 

She's got quite a voice on her. It's sort of a squeaky but insistent, "reee-owwwww". She's hard to ignore. 

But I was busy. I had to go to the store to get stuff for a beef stew I would be cooking later. It is not really stew weather, but Manda and Jefe were coming over for dinner and Manda has just had her wisdom teeth removed so basically my plan was to BOIL THE SH*T out of things until she could eat without chewing.

The stew went down well, although Manda was clearly still in pain. They came over to watch, "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story". Like a lot of Americans I know, they LOVE Weird Al way more than the rest of the world who just sort of scratch their heads and go, "Really? The 'Eat It' guy?"

However, I must admit I enjoyed the film which is not so much a biopic as a parody of biopics. It features Weird Al (as played by Daniel Radcliffe) becoming way more famous than any of the people he parodied and hunted down by an evil Madonna, desperate to get him to parody "Like A Virgin". 

We laughed a lot. As always. Then we did a movie quiz (this time from YouTube) which was also heaps of fun. Finally we watched the Foo Fighters movie "Studio 666" which was gory, disgusting and funny. 

I love my time with JeManda, they are a fun couple of movie nerds. And together we make a fun TRIO of movie nerds. I worry sometimes that I am yet nerdier than them but they are letting it slide so far. 


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