Visiting Friends

We have been visiting friends today in and around Stirling.
The weather was quite mixed, although worryingly warm for the beginning of November. Another sign of global warming.

Our first visit to A and J C who we had not visited for some three years. All caused by the Covid restrictions and concerns for our health.

J has been enjoying the tapestry studio we had designed for her and she delighted in showing us her fine work.

A admitted that selling the first house we had designed for him and moving to England was a major mistake.

Apparently the current owner uses it as a Yoga retreat and gives spiritual philosophy lessons.

Afterwards we visited the HerrDoktor H-J B with Pat providing her cooked food delivery service.

HerrDoktor lives in a house designed by us over thirty years ago and it is very much an art gallery and library.

Today’s Blipfoto shows a charcole drawing by David Lee.  This hangs next to the WC in the shower room and is a vivid example of H-J’s wicked sense of humour.

If you do not understand the joke enjoy the drawing.

Afterwards we made our way home.

A great day.

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