
Twas a lovely home Saturday but a busy one.
Up at at it to Porty for my first Body Attack for six months. Great music but tough on my ankles so perhaps not the way forward. Walked along the prom, wee cheeky avocado Zaatar in Miros.
Rugby on so got the chance to meet up with a friend who’s moved close by. Wee walk and talk became 10k in lovely autumn colours and weird warmth.
Glad rags on to celebrate our next door neighbour’s 50th in the toon toon. The Rowantree, in the Colgate, quirky, cellar like place that was perfect for the party. We knew virtually nobody but entertained all night by an old uncle who was the spitting image of Terry Scott in the Carry On movies. Full of naughty jokes including:

I’ve got an addiction!
An addiction?
Yes I’ve got an addiction
Ok…. What are you addicted to?

My wife is taking it hard!!

It’s the way he told ‘em!
A wee dance and home before midnight with 30,000 steps on my Fitbit.
What a day

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