
What a day.

The weather was beautiful, we had no jobs to do, so we sodded off to Loch Lomond to make the most of the weirdly warm November weather.  Conic hill doesn't take much doing or planning, so we plodded up there.  Great view to effort ratio, though not the quietest walk. Coming up on the road in the car we noticed some big white things that I initially thought was a huge herd of sheep coming down the hill. On closer inspection they were helicopter lifted bags of big rocks to build a more solid path.  Must have taken some getting up there.

We hung out by the loch really enjoying the warm and the sunset before heading into town to see Chris Thile play at the royal concert hall.  I ummed and ahhed a bit about getting tickets as I only bought them last weekend.  Big fan of his collaboration stuff but I didn't know if I'd get a bit bored with it just being a solo show.  However, after nearly bumping into the man himself as we passed the Concert Hall to get some food (me and P were both like 'that was Chris Thile' just after he passed and it was too late to say hi) and just generally having an amazing night, I was so glad I bought the tickets.

Its sound really stupid and pretentious, but it was just a joy to spend an evening in the company of such greatness. Totally blown away. Loved every minute and felt totally humbled by the playing, (of far too much mandolin) the singing and to top it all off he was charming and funny too.  Even when a decent group of people got up and walked out right infront of the stage just before the last song (were they just being rude?! were they offended by the story about moving from the religious 'straight and narrow' path to the long windy one as you saw more things and had room for your friends? Or did they just have a train to catch? Who knows?!) he made a great joke out of it and asked the group for an encore... There will be no hesitation on the tickets next time.

Blip is of Loch Lomond on our descent of Conic Hill.  Part of me wanted to take a photo at the concert, but I just really didn't want to get my phone out or anything whilst it was ongoing. Was just enjoying being there too much,

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