Snow Foam

Dotty is on her last legs and tomorrows blip I think will be a tribute to her.We have made her comfortable and she doesn't appear to be suffering.She is such an old cat.

On the nursery Helen has started on the second batch of pansies and transplanted the 6 pack dianthus.
I picked Becky up from dropping her car in for repairs and then headed to Morrisons.On yesterdays bill I had been charged for a double duvet set which I hadn't bought.I seldom get involved in buying anything for the house and I am happy to live in it how she wants it.Life is easier this way.A refund was soon sorted out.
Washed the car and the van.Done some spraying and moved some trolleys of plants into one of the tunnels ready for putting down in the morning.

Very mild and some nice sunny intervals.

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