Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Cherry Tree (while it lasts)!

And with a lovely sunset sky.  Mostly tidying today as things were everywhere!  I've added an extra of the almost tidy lounge.  I always enjoy the finishing off/pottering tasks at the end of the year.  

This morning we had an early phone call from Mr T's neurological consultant.  She was amazingly thorough and agrees he only should go to hospital as a last resort.  She was happy with how Mr T was doing and will discharge him to the community teams but with an open appointment to return anytime in the next 12 months. I double checked that it wouldn't be (too) harmful for Mr T to have a couple of drinks over the Christmas period and she said yes a couple of glasses of Bailey's were fine!

I had hoped to do some garden tidying up while Sue was here this afternoon but it absolutely chucked it down so I spent the time in the garage instead.  Lots of good progress and I laid as many carpet tiles as I could and then started to move and organise some things so I can put the rest down.

It's nice when it feels like the goals are slowly being achieved.

I watched the last episode of Downton tonight and now carrying on with Drive to Survive season 1.

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