So wrong!

Today I have a sad story to tell.

School finished an hour early (that's not sad - that was nice), so I took the boys to the lake for a swim. We had a great time and enjoyed it.

On our way back to the car, we met this man with his 3 German Wirehaird Pointers - 2 adults and 1 puppy. He was really hard on his dogs. He insisted to keep them off leash, which of course is hard when passing 3 Hazyland boys on a narrow path. The way he talked to the dogs was horrid and they were ducking everytime he moved his hand as if they were afraid he would hit them. I stopped and pulled into the side to give him space to walk by, which he did without even saying hallo.

When he had passed us, we continued and when I looked back, this was what I saw... He was kicking his dogs to get them to stay with him. The dogs were creeping around him. You can see it on the one to the left.

I hate people, who think it is ok to be violent towards a dog to get it to obey. If you do not have the patience to train a dog in a fair way, then don't get a dog. We have the choice. The dog does not! Every thing my dogs have learned is taught by ignoring unwanted behaviour and rewarding wanted behaviour. It really isn't that hard. Once the dog has learned that you are the best fun and the source of food and toys, then there is no limit as to what you can teach it and what it will do for you.

We do not have the right to punish and create fear in other living beings just to get them to serve us!

Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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