A Splash of The Bold, London

A bit of a strange occurrence happened today. On the way out of the house to catch my train I accidentally picked up my bother's camera instead of mine! I've never done that before and only realised when I took the camera out of my bag for it's lunchtime constitutional.
It's actually my older Nikon camera that I passed on to him when I bought my D7200 so maybe that's why I didn't cotton on until  much later. Anyway today's image was taken a stone's throw from my workplace. I liked the surrealness and that rather bold splash against the concrete.
I must admit everything that happened last week as regards my journeys and workload has really caught up with me. I just can't shake off the exhaustion and anxiety and really need a break. It wasn't helped by the new train timetable being announced - fewer trains from my station and fewer connecting ones as well. All done with no consultation from Southeastern at all. It's what I've come to expect from them. However, I've made my mind up. I just don't want to do the commuting anymore. I've being doing it for 31 years (more than half my lifetime) and I think now's the time to stop. 

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