living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


Beach day today! And the weather was magnificent, if a tiny bit breezy. It was a good chance to let the sun recharge my batteries, though. The kids had a wonderful time and lots of great photos taken- of jumping and splashing and castle-making, but I like this one the best. Chickpea and the Mr. took off exploring over the cliffs and I kind of like getting secret shots when people don't know I'm taking them. Plus, the Mr. has his shoes AND socks off and that doesn't happen often, outdoors anyway. Monkey has taken on his sister's love of climbing and he actually got pretty far up the cliff on his own!

Chickpea quote of the day--
"Can I have three peppers because I am three, and you can have thirty, mama!"

So I've been doing the no sugar thing for over a week now and I've noticed a few things:

-It's harder for me than the kids! They haven't even seemed to notice the lack of sweet treats around and they don't even ask for them!

-The first few days are the hardest.

-Snacking can get quite boring without that sugar infusion.

-I had a sip of the Mr.'s tea today and it was sooooo sweet. He said there was only a half a tsp. of sugar in it so maybe my taste buds are changing to be less dependent on sugar. I hope so!

I have started the Orange Rhino No Yelling for 365 days challenge. I realise that a no yelling challenge at the same time as a no sugar challenge might be, well, a challenge but I'm up for it!! Maybe...

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