Rain, rain and more rain!

Chloe had the right idea…. to stay cosy in bed.

We did manage three short walks. The rest of the time was spent tidying cupboards and clearing stuff out ( and putting most of it back!)

Came across my diary for 1988 today. We had only been in our current home a year. Fifi was almost 8 , Ali 6 and Andrew 3. Sam , our Welsh Springer spaniel was 11.

Christmas Day was busy! We had visitors from NZ staying and Mum and Aunt Grace came for Christmas dinner! A lot round the table that year!

Since then many changes . The very best though ,include our 4 wee ones who are just wonderful. Mention also must go to our wonderful dogs. After Sam we had Amber, then Chloe1 , followed by Rona and now Chloe 2 who is the most loving wee girl and on a rainy day like today we are so grateful to have her. :)

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