Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Bridge, birds, boat.

The Feast Day of Saint Gertrude.
The Feast Day of saint Margaret of Scotland.
I am in awe of both these saints.
The weather here in Blackburn is sunny, very cold and clear. 6c. I fed the Starlings and they were happily feeding well soon after that.
Then, as I had time, I went out for some neighbourhood photos.
This canal side view was my favourite, as the two swans were there, and an immensely wonderful flock of Canada Geese, making their unique sound together. It was a joyful sight. The blue narrowboat is called Bunny Lou. The Canalside cafe was open., A cyclist in a florescent coat was cycling past. 
As I walked on, not counting steps, I noticed most of the colourful leaves have fallen from the trees, with just some remaining.
Keep well and safe and thank you for dropping by.

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