The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

All About Perspective

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

I was chatting to The Boss today. He is trying to organise our Christmas lunch/night out this year. It’s going to start at lunchtime as so many people need to get trains home. The Boss is one of them.

Last year, he staggered off in time to catch the last train but then it stopped half way into the journey for about 10 mins. When it set off again, it was heading back to Edinburgh.

He was understandably in a bit of a flap and asked a passing conductor what was going on. “Why is the train going back to Edinburgh? This is the last train and I’ll be stuck there for the night.”

“It’s not,” the conductor gently explained…“You are in a rear facing seat.”


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