Here and there

Today's blip has been brought to you by the back of my spareroom (which doubles as my home office) door, namely because I failed to take pictures when out and about and earlier. 

I won in a raffle at a lunch not long after I moved up here (and before I fully realised how integral raffles are to life in the town :-) )and like the representation of places in and around the town, most of which I see on a regular basis. 

Today was a typical Wednesday for the third in the month - yoga in the morning and our u3a general meeting this afternoon.

Yoga was good as it always is - I really like the teacher and the approach which takes based on   that taken by Scaravelli with a strong focus on awareness and curiosty and recognising that the journey to a pose is as important as the pose itself. I always wonderfully stretched and relaxed leaving the class.

This afternoon saw our monthly u3a meeting - T was speaking about the play he wrote about Beatrix Potter.  T's talk was interesting, and he also played a couple of songs he did for the play. I even learned some new things about Beatrix, despite being all our discussions as he was researching and writing the play.   It went down well and was well attended with a number of new faces.  

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