
By Madchickenwoman

River Tamar

A walk along the river and the wetlands. Saw a kingfisher flash past and the usual ducks, white egrets, a few canadian geese and a heron! It's a popular walk for dog owners so Oscar happily stopped and sniffed the whole route! We met a photographer with a very long lens on a tripod - he remembered Oscar from when he met him in the summer! We had a little chat and as I went to walk on he asked for the name - I thought he meant mine but he meant Oscar!! Did I ever feel foolish! 
I stopped at the Gallery and bought 2 xmas baubles hand painted by the Gallery owner - I'll blip them soon! One is for me the other my sister. I have few people to buy for now - most relatives dead, no longer working so no work colleagues, and as I don't see the people I was friends with in the village very often.  Although I bought for them every year they never did for me - so now I've stopped too! I like buying things for people who are a part of my life and never really bothered about whether I received a gift - they are all married with children so Christmas must be expensive for them. Now they are no longer a part of my life it is ridiculous to buy for them! Nellie doesn't celebrate Xmas so I will give her a solstice gift! Plus I give her things such as the hot spices from my Gousto box and other things that would make their way to a charity shop if she doesn't want them! I think it's nicer to give people things on random days and for random reasons - or no reason at all! I looked up gift and it means " a way to show thoughtfulness, love and brings joy or pleasure to the receiver ..and makes us feel good" I agree with that! 

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