Otherwise known as BARN or Broadband for the Rural North.  A Community led project putting high fibre broadband under the fields , village by village.   Unlike OpenReach' s high fibre that's on the top of poles, gets blown down in the gales and "drops off" frequently, all the BARN cables are underground.  Mr P is a Barn Volunteer for our village and is spending a lot of time having a jolly good nose around the gardens and houses in the village doing "surveys".   He's become an expert trench digger and wayleave negotiator . We hope to be connected by Christmas and if so this will be our 3rd provider since moving in.  Keep your fingers crossed for a reliable service .
Disgusting rainy day. We went for the monthly Soup and Sandwich in the Village Hall where I  saw the BARN van in the car park and forgot to photograph the sandwiches. The Village Hall is the hub of the village broadband network which is fantastic ,  previously it had no broadband, no 4G and no mobile signal. 

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