Quiet One
With another trip to Birmingham tomorrow, I've taken it easier today. Some admin this morning, mostly those little things that you think "I'll deal with that later!" An outing to give Meg a run. Household chores ... I've almost got the laundry up to date! Jamie decided to give basketball a miss after his gym session this morning so, spared the hours drive to Aberystwyth I had a siesta before tea. A quiet night in with Ruth and Jamie is just fine.
Colchicum baytopiorum, the last of the autumn species to flower this year. This one is in a pot of seedlings, the seed sown in 2018, it's a great result given that colchicum can take several years just to germinate and several more before flowering! It's subtly different to another form of this species that I have grown for years, one of the joys of raising from seed.
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